A 20 something based in LDN

Thursday, 5 April 2018


David Bowie was right you know; “Time may change me, but I can’t trace time”.

Everywhere I look I see positive embers of the hopeful thoughts of 2K18 being the best year yet and it really motivates me to push for this year’s goals. As we take each day as it comes we never know which doors may open; the people we will meet and the new drinking holes we will find

Admittedly I find myself sometimes feeling apprehensive and anxious to stay optimistic because well…life, but that should never be a hindering factor. Staying on guard for the worst just so one is prepared for the bad stuff isn’t always the best way to live.  

Instead prepare for the goofy moments and happy times, and when the not so high come; greet them with reassurance that they won’t be around for long because as the saying goes “This too shall pass”.

Things we find ourselves stressing about may no longer bother us in three months, so why use up productive time thinking on things that don’t deserve your energy?!

When I was asked about my new year’s resolution I tend to cringe at the new year new me posts and the updates on how well or bad they are going. Why? Because most of the time at the start of the year after a few weeks we revert to old habits.

So instead why not think of them as positive changes and whatever we are wanting to change is for the betterment of ourselves and not others. In 20K17 I spent some of the year thinking I had to be a certain kind of Tara to make others around me happy. But then that would be making a positive change for others and not myself, and I’m not one to be pigeon holed.

After some re-thinking I have more self-reassurance to live my life for me, because I adore my dweebish quirks!

Even though old habits die hard, remember that they won’t last if you push and make a conscience effort to get out that rut. You’ve got this!

Later Dudes….xoxo Tara


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